It's not the place you think of visiting on a sailboat but there is a mooring field in the Hudson River right next to New York City. The current is incredibly strong at times but you can't beat the convenience. We had a blast, ran all around the city using the subway and got back to the boat between midnight and 2 am each day. We surprised even ourselves!
We had a great visit with Frances' cousin Tom and his wife Jackie and shared some won
We saw Times Square, the World Trade Center site, the Guggenheim Museum, the New York City museum, China Town, Little Italy, Midtown, Battery Park, Grand Central Station, Rockefeller Center, The Empire State building, the New York Public Library, Central Park, Madison Ave, the West End, rode the Staten Island Ferry and saw a Broadway play "A Bengal Tiger in the Bagdad Zoo".
One of the highlights was the good food in the restaurants and the markets. We are both ready to move there but we'll see how long that desire lasts!
Now it's on t0 New England via the Long Island Sound. Today we are on the move planning to stop in Port Jefferson. We'll see what this next phase of the trip brings.
Thanks for all the comments, e mails and calls. We are a lonely for our old friends and miss having you in our daily life.