Believe it or not you can become very busy as a cruiser. Since our last post we have attended the Newport Folk festival and Jazz festival. The weather was perfect for the Folk festival. Hundreds of boats anchored close to
the stages to listen to the music. Lets just say that the atmosphere on the water gets very festive as the day goes on. You can't help but have fun.
Al's brother Bruce turned 50 and his wife Angie threw him a great party. The homemade Portugese food was delicious as usual. Family members and friends were there including Al's daughter Christine and her husband Chris.

We decided to go north to check out Maine since so many friends said we had to go there. Al's long time friend John Gosson joined us for a georgeous day of sailing from Newport to Onset. Then we went through the Cape Cod Canal to Provincetown. We sailed overnight from Provincetown to the Bar Harbor area of Maine.
Al's brother Bruce turned 50 and his wife Angie threw him a great party. The homemade Portugese food was delicious as usual. Family members and friends were there including Al's daughter Christine and her husband Chris.
We spent an entire week doing boat projects at anchor in Newport. We completed numerous things but took only one photo that week of Frances fixing a sail on deck. Oh well, the work n
eeded to be done but we had fun in the evenings having dinner with friends.
Newport continues to amaze us with classic boats, colonial history and lots of things to keep us entertained. Here are several 12 meters lined up at the dock getting ready for a race. The harbor is full of sailboats, all in beautiful of condition. In comparison Jade is on the small, cumberson and scruffy side. It's all relative!
Newport continues to amaze us with classic boats, colonial history and lots of things to keep us entertained. Here are several 12 meters lined up at the dock getting ready for a race. The harbor is full of sailboats, all in beautiful of condition. In comparison Jade is on the small, cumberson and scruffy side. It's all relative!
We decided to go north to check out Maine since so many friends said we had to go there. Al's long time friend John Gosson joined us for a georgeous day of sailing from Newport to Onset. Then we went through the Cape Cod Canal to Provincetown. We sailed overnight from Provincetown to the Bar Harbor area of Maine.
We are now in Maine. We're not in Florida any more! However, we did see a lobster boat named FLO-RIDA. The landscape, birds and sea life are completely different here. This is Al on the beach. After the tide goes down 13 feet this sea weed is exposed and you can pick out as many mussels as you want. They made for a good dinner yesterday. We have just begun to see Maine so there will more on the next blog.
We still miss our family and friends from Florida and love hearing from everybody. Thanks for keeping in touch and for all the positive feedback on the blog.
Frances and Al